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推薦大家一本專業教科書使用心得The Human and the Humane:Humanity as Argument from Cicero to Erasmus購物網全書的內容大意
使用心得The Human and the Humane:Humanity as Argument from Cicero to Erasmus購物網曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: 博客來網路書店博客來博客來網路書局博客來書店 In times of conflicts and crises, an argument insisting on the humane is commonly heard. In wars, voices demanding a humane treatment of prisoners – as decreed by the Geneva Convention – will be raised. Opposition to social injustice may be framed in a collected call for a humane society. Even educational systems may insist on having a humane perspective among its leading causes. Words referring to man – humane, but also humanistic, humanitarian, even humanity – thus take on status of ideals for mankind. Man, in common and legal speech, thus becomes the conceptual marker of his own perfection. The subject of this book is the early history of this linguistic feature and in particular its argumentative use, from its starting point till early modern times.
盜墓筆記之沙海(1.2集合售版) | 鬼吹燈Ⅱ之三:怒晴湘西(上)(下) | 薩滿寶藏 之5:回墓鬼劫 | 我的男友是隻鬼:復仇鬼聯盟篇 | ||||
除魔手札 之8:屍魔出世(精彩完結篇) | 百鬼夜行:魅惑 | 凶港 三部曲 | 撼龍訣 之1:鬼域陰河 | ||||
都市傳說3:樓下的男人 | 苗疆蠱事之1:金蠶蠱與鬼羅莉 | 苗疆蠱事之2:湘西煉屍人 | 犯罪心理檔案 第二季 | ||||
靈異特偵組之2:群屍亂舞(完結) | 撼龍訣 之2:天外之天(完結) | 摸金令全集 卷一(限量特價合售版) | 日本異聞錄之2:鬼屍夜語(完結) | ||||
每個午夜都住著一個詭故事III:孽債必償 | 每個午夜都住著一個詭故事IV:轉世輪迴 | 夜不語詭秘檔案702:鬼線 | 摸金筆記之5:九州寶穴 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Christian Høgel
- 出版社:國立臺灣大學出版中心 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/08/03
- 語言:英文
使用心得The Human and the Humane:Humanity as Argument from Cicero to Erasmus購物網
異次元現場 | 妖折之2:元神的秘密(完結篇) | 活祭之7:屍王爭霸 | 顫慄巨塔 | ||||
妖樓迷宮之2:地獄花開 | 活祭之4:玉玲瓏 | 活祭之3:群屍亂舞 | 半七捕物帳12-白蝶怪 | ||||
龍脈血咒之2:白骨之地 | 龍脈血咒之1:血色皇陵 | 黑城巫洞之2:恐怖拜月咒 | 禁書三部曲之萬劫 | ||||
活祭之6:宿命與詛咒 | 活祭之5:第五種人 | 心懷鬼胎之1:愛情心懷鬼胎 | 鬼葬禮 | ||||
守陵人之2:戰國金屍 | 黑城巫洞之1:神秘黑公主 | 陰婚劫 | 五骨詭偶 |
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