博客來書店This is a collection of articles on Chinese food. The various contributions were selected from among the many outstanding papers presented at biannual conferences organised by the Foundation over the last twenty years, chosen so as to fit in with the general theme of Regionalism and Globalism in Chinese Culinary Traditions but at the same time represent a variety of themes and approaches. These papers remind us that ideally, the scholar of cuisines will need to draw on a very wide range of disciplines, from archaeology to soil science to local and regional history, philosophy and cultural studies, languages, and so forth. At the same time, and for the very same reason, the study of foodways is bound to be a very satisfying endeavour, not least because the re-creation of sustainable foodways will be part of the challenges facing humankind in the decades ahead.
此次出版的「中華飲食文化研究叢書」共計十冊:《飲食文化綜論》、《鼎鼐文明:古代飲食史 》、《飲食傳播與文化交流》、《食巧毋食飽:地方飲食文化(一) 》、《民以食為天:地方飲食文化(二)》、《中國少數民族的飲食文化》、《茶酒文化》、《人神共飲:宗教與養生飲食》、《食品科技史與餐飲管理》以及Regionalism and Globalism in Chinese Culinary Culture。共收錄了包括中研院李亦園院士、許倬雲院士,知名人類學學者 Jacky Goody , Sidney W . Mintz ,吳燕和教授等多位人類學、歷史學以及諸多相關領域學人共 95 篇中文論文以及 13 篇英文論文。相信在現階段,此套叢書的出版必能大大裨益飲食文化研究的同好,也是中華飲食文化基金會創立二十周博客來網路書店歡迎您博客來網路書店年的重要紀念。
- 新功能介紹 作者: David Holm/編著
- 出版社:財團法人中華飲食文化基金會 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2009/10/01
- 語言:英文
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